As a therapist working with a variety of clients and circumstances I am always pleased to find a reference (book) that offers sound data and explanations for a dynamic that we often observe in counseling sessions.  “People suffering from Emotional Neglect “ from childhood is not a new concept but Jonice Webb does an incredible job of presenting and explaining how what we did not experience or receive as children from our parents might still be plaguing us as adults.

If you are wondering if this might be your experience, Jonice has offered an Emotional Neglect Questionnaire by visiting  This questionnaire will not only give you an idea about whether you have CEN (emotional childhood neglect), it will also give you a window into the areas in which your CEN occurred.

Jonice offers the twelve ways to end up empty as she describes twelve different parenting styles.  In reading this work I have been able to not only objectively understand my own childhood, but it also opened my eyes to how I have parented.  

Most importantly, this book might just be the resource that assists the reader in once and for all offering an explanation as to certain attitudes and behaviors  and emotions as the author offers excellent explanations as well as a series of anecdotes to offer a more relatable story line. 

A very helpful read if you are attempting to understand your own emotions or observing behaviors in your own children and desiring to be a more empathetic parent.

Happy Reading!!

running on empty book review by Gary Emery