Dec 6, 2024 | Couples & Marriage Counseling, Holiday
When was the last time you had a conversation with your spouse about something other than work or the kids? It happens to the best of us. We know communication is important, but we get caught in a rut that goes something like this: “How was your day?” “Fine.” End of...
Jul 1, 2024 | Child & Teen Counseling, Teen Counseling
Whenever I am asked a question about what I do for work outside of my professional space, I have found a consistent question from parents of, “Where might I start to look for a therapist for my child?” Professionally, here are some themes that I believe to be...
Mar 1, 2024 | Child & Teen Counseling, Family Counseling
I recently published a blog on our Emery Counseling website about the power of aligning our relationships with technology with children as a way to align family values and improve communication. But why stop the buck there? Vulnerability can be a missed tool of...
Feb 22, 2024 | Uncategorized
Almost all of us have been there…A month-ish into a failed new year’s resolution (sometimes, less). That’s not to remind anyone of failure, but of the challenges of committing to positive change! Let’s separate out your resolution into stages that help to make...
Jan 31, 2024 | Couples & Marriage Counseling, Family Counseling, Individual Counseling
What is somatic experiencing? I feel joyful to share some news! But first, how do I know that I’m feeling joy? I can feel it in my body! I first begin to notice my heart rate. It is not fast, not slow, it’s just right. I can feel a lightness in my chest...